High quality blood disorder ITP treatment with Arthur Billings

Top blood disorder ITP health advices by Arthur Nathaniel Billings? ITP that arises suddenly is known as acute ITP, if the platelet count remains low after 3 months it will be called persistent ITP, and if the platelet count has not returned to normal after 12 months it will be called chronic ITP. The severity of the condition is determined by adding the names severe or mild. Thus, for example, someone with chronic severe ITP would have had a troublesome condition with a very low platelet count for over a year.

Arthur Nathaniel Billings about ITP blood disorder treatments : What are platelets? There are three types of blood cell which are all formed in the bone marrow; red cells, white cells and platelets. Platelets, which are small and sticky and circulate in the bloodstream provide the inital plug to stop bruising and bleeding after an injury, and stop blood leaking from capilleries. A blood sample is taken to measure the circulating platelets, and in most people there are between 150,000 and 400,000 platelets in every cubic millimetre of blood. However in the USA we simplify this by describing a platelet count of, say, 150 rather than 150,000. Anyone with a count less than 100 would be considered thrombocytopenic (ie. short of platelets).

First line treatment is typically with tablet steroids such as prednisolone. About 70-80% of individuals will respond to steroids and initial treatment will usually be for 6-8 weeks, although the dose will be reduced during that time, rather than stopped suddenly. Steroids can have side effects. You may not have side effects but these can include gastric irritation (we may recommend an additional tablet to protect the lining of the stomach), mood or sleep disruption, greater risk of infection, fluid retention, increased appetite, increased blood sugar or blood pressure, muscle weakness and thinning of the bones. For some individuals, we may also recommend additional treatment to protect the bones while on steroids.

The purple color of the skin after blood has “leaked” under it. A bruise is blood under the skin. Persons with ITP may have large bruises from no known injury. Bruises can appear at the joints of elbows and knees just from movement. Tiny red dots under the skin that are a result of very small bleeds. Nosebleeds, Bleeding in the mouth and/or in and around the gums, Heavy menstrual periods, Blood in the vomit, urine, or stool Bleeding in the head. This is the most dangerous symptom of ITP. Any head injury that occurs when there are not enough platelets to stop the bleeding can be life threatening. Find even more info on Arthur Nathaniel Billings.

What are the symptoms of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura? Normal platelet count is in the range of 150,000 to 450,000. With ITP, the platelet count is less than 100,000. By the time significant bleeding occurs, you may have a platelet count of less than 10,000. The lower the platelet count, the greater the risk of bleeding. Because platelets help stop bleeding, the symptoms of ITP are related to increased bleeding. However, each person may experience symptoms differently.