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Teeth whitening dental clinic Hampstead 2021? How can I reduce the risks of mouth cancer? Smoking is a major cause of mouth and throat cancer and gum and bone disorders in the mouth. The team at Dental Perfection recognise that quitting smoking is a difficult challenge for most people and have established a quit smoking program to support and encourage their patients to quit and improve their confidence and their health and reduce their risk of mouth cancer. Please ask a member of staff who will be more than willing to discuss the alternative solutions for quitting smoking. Limiting the amount of alcohol you drink will also reduce the risk of mouth cancer, as will attending the dentist regularly for your check-ups and cancer screenings.

We believe our patients deserve the best. No compromises on quality so we will use the best dental materials and provide the best care with the best dentist. We are proud of our experience, expertise and qualifications. This enables us to offer every dental solution for our patients. A complete one stop practice for dentistry. We know our prices are fair as they enable us to provide the best possible dental care. We are extremely grateful to all our patients who write to us with testimonials. We thank you for recommending us as our reputation is built on the success of our treatments. Discover extra information on https://www.dentalperfections.co.uk/hampstead-dental-implant-costs.html.

If you need a trusted and expert dental hygienist with an excellent oral hygiene reputation, our state-of-the-art Hampstead clinic can help. Benefit from a highly skilled dental hygiene team that includes hygienist Frances Robinson who has extensive oral hygiene experience. Frances is very attentive, gentle and thorough with her patients whom she always puts first. Frances is registered as a hygienist at the General Dental Council (GDC No: 259549) and is a member of the British society of dental hygienists and therapists.

Dental veneers are bonded to the top of your teeth, but they can be made to extend further if needed. Think of veneer teeth like fake nails, extending the appearance – and possibly the colour – of your tooth, but also potentially providing additional functionality. If you choose to do this however, bear in mind that porcelain veneers can also wear down or become damaged just like real teeth. If you’re seeking veneers for this, make sure you speak to our dental team in Hampstead about getting a mouth guard following the procedure.

Before carrying out any oral examinations and x-rays, Dr Mehran Sanei will discuss any concerns about your current dental health and any wishes you may have about enhancing your smile, comfort and function. Our aim is to ensure you are comfortable at all times and if you feel particularly anxious, please let us know and feel assured that our team are highly experienced in helping and guiding patients during every step of this journey. An important part of this initial discussion is to learn about your past and recent dental experiences, whether negative or positive. Our aim is to exceed your expectations, enhancing your positive experiences and ensuring that any negative experiences you may have had are not repeated. See extra info on https://www.dentalperfections.co.uk/.