Do you need to repair your hot tub ?

Hot tubs tricks: If your hot tub has tiles, you’ve got an additional item on your hot tub care checklist: grout. To keep it looking its best, follow a few easy steps. Mix baking soda and water together in a bowl to form a thick paste. Apply the paste to your tiles and grout with a damp sponge. After five minutes, turn on the hot tub. Grab an old toothbrush, climb into the tub, and attack those grout lines with a circular scrubbing motion. The baking soda should have a negligible effect on your spa’s water chemistry, but be sure to check and balance it as necessary when you’re finished. You can tackle a little bit of your grout at a time, or, better yet, bribe a bunch of friends with free food and drink and host a scrubbing party. (You might want to make the bribe a substantial one if you plan on keeping them as friends.)

Advices for purchasing a hot tub : Plan on inviting guests or relatives over? Make room for a larger tub with more seats. You won’t want to take turns in your new hot tub. Will you be using the hot tub alone or with just two people at a time? If space is limited, a 2-3 person spa will be perfect. With a little more room, an extra seat or two is nice for stretching out.

Here are several advices on how to maintain your hot tub and also a suggestion if you live in Colorado. Every public pool and spa in the United States must be equipped with ?an anti-entrapment drain cover. Learn pool and spa safety, how to install a compliant drain covers, and regularly maintain your pool and spa. Never use your spa during extreme weather conditions (i.e. electrical storms, tornados, hurricanes etc.). Go inside and reschedule your hot tub party for a clear day.

To keep detergent and soap residue out of your spa water, shower without soap before soaking in your spa, and instead of washing your bathing suit use the rinse cycle.

Tap water is pretty good spa water in most areas. But in some areas (and you know where you are), you can run into issues of soft or hard water, high alkalinity, pH imbalance, or high levels of chloramines, metals and minerals. You can test your tap water with your test kit, or when testing after a drain and refill, you can measure the suitability of your tap water as spa water. Using a spa pre-filter removes metals, odors and the finest silt from your spa fill water.

Your daily maintenance tasks are all about ensuring good water quality. In a hot tub that means checking two things: PH and sanitizer levels. This is easy stuff, and can generally be accomplished by dipping a single, color-coded test strip into the water to check that everything is as it should be. If you’re diligent about maintaining your tub, most days this won’t mean doing anything more than walking out to your tub, dipping the test stick in the water, and heading back inside. If your PH or sanitizer levels need adjusting, however, you’ll need take an extra few minutes to dump the proper additive into your water to get things back their proper levels. Doing so will prevent a host of problems, including scaling, mineral buildup, corrosion, skin irritation, and cloudy and stinky water. Another good spa maintenance practice is cleaning and conditioning your vinyl spa cover. Especially if your spa cover is outside, spa cover cleaner can quickly remove airborne oils, dirt, tree sap and pollen while cover conditioner will replenish the vinyl plasticizers that keep your vinyl spa cover soft, strong and looking great.

But first let’s see the hot tub choice of the month : HotSpring has 20 hot tub models, five of which are built for two or three people. Most of the hot tub manufacturers we evaluated have only three models, so HotSpring offers a better selection of small spas. Three of these spas are part of the brand’s Hot Spot collection, which fall into the value price range and have 10-17 jets. The other two are premium-priced spas from HotSpring’s top tier Highlife collection and have 14 or 22 jets. HotSpring also has 10 medium spas and five large spas with various price ranges, all of which come equipped with energy-saving features and are certified by the California Energy Commission. With five small hot tub models, Hot Spring has the best selection of two- and three-person hot tubs of the brands we reviewed. Discover more info on Hot Tub Repair Colorado Springs.