Things To Consider When Buying A Dehumidifier For Basement

Things To Consider When Buying A Dehumidifier For Basement

It isn’t so hard to look for today’s best dehumidifier, if only you know where to look. But the problem is actually in choosing which one would best fit your needs. You would be surprised to find out how many models are out there, and they all come with added convenient features, each one seemingly better than the last one you checked out. So how do you make sure that what you’ll be ordering online or taking home from the appliance store is indeed going to meet or even exceed your expectations as far as performance is concerned? Simple. Check out our Dehumidifier Buying Guide to find out.

Dehumidifiers are very good at removing excess moisture from the air we have indoors. When you have typical moisture problems like if you’re living in an area where there’s high humidity at the most part of the year, or there’s window conversation, or when you’re basement becomes too damp, you get a dehumidifier to help you make sure that it doesn’t do any permanent damage to your walls, your furniture, and the overall value of your property.


Now the thing about dehumidifiers is that they never (or rarely, at least) come cheap. If you want to make sure that your unit stays with you for a long time, it has to be well taken care of. Maintenance can be costly for some dehumidifiers, as they require filter replacements. Some, however, only need to be cleaned out after a period of time to make sure that it stays in tip top form. Filter replacements alone can cost a lot, depending on the type of unit you have purchased, so when doing your research, make sure that you ask about filter maintenance.

If you’re not sure if getting a dehumidifier is the right way to go, get a hygrometer and measure the humidity percentage of each room in your house. If it reaches fifty percent or more, it means you have excess moisture, and it would probably be a good idea to get one for yourself. Humidity levels usually creep up inside the house when you keep windows closed and the air conditioning system running for long periods of time—especially in the summer. It usually is highest in the basement, and some even get a separate dehumidifier for it, for good measure.

When shopping for a dehumidifier for your needs, make sure that you know how big your house is, in what particular part of the house does it usually have more moisture, how large an area a particular dehumidifier can offer, other conveniences that it comes with (like if you can attach a hose to it for continuous drainage, or if it has caster wheels, etcetera), and if it has been made energy efficient.

Stick with these tips and it won’t be long until you start using the best dehumidifier in the market Do not hesitate. This might very well turn out to be one of the best investments you will ever make for your home (and your family’s health, too). Good luck!