US immigration lawyers tricks for chinese residents

US immigration lawyers tricks for chinese applicants
Chinese citizens US immigration lawyers advices: Get advice from others who made the journey before you. Read immigrant success stories for insights and moral support. Find out if you will have specific immigration guidelines to meet (for example, if you are arriving from China, India, or Nigeria). Your journey will be easier if you are using the latest, most accurate information. Make sure you know all of the latest policy updates that could affect your plans for working or studying in North America.

Compare recommendations by discussing your green card application with multiple immigration lawyers: Although most good immigration lawyers can be very busy, you should be able to talk to them and their office staff to understand their commitment to their clients and their overall style and honesty. Before choosing someone to represent you, talking to several lawyers will provide you with some basis for comparison, and some law firms offer the first free consultation. It will give you the opportunity to “feel” various lawyers to understand their personality and work philosophy to determine if they are right for you. In some cases, obtaining a second opinion may reveal that the first immigration lawyer did not fully understand your case or law, or attempted to use your money for something that was impossible or unethical.

Did you know that there are important cultural customs regarding your behavior after a job interview? Here’s how to follow up with your prospective employer. Make the most of LinkedIn: Write an attention-grabbing headline such as: “Motivated, experienced sales manager.” Under each job title or previous position, you should have at least three bullet points with strong examples of your expertise. Your employer is likely to look at your public social media pages—so you might want to consider cultivating a personal brand. Define your vision, mission, and core values. Your job application, social media presence, and LinkedIn profile should combine to create a narrative about your professional experience. Show employers your career trajectory—instead of just a list of jobs. Discover extra information on

For our chinese guests:


绿卡排期 :对大多数人来说,绿卡申请是一场长达数年的战役,具体时间因人而已,因为整个过程中,意外情况可能层出不穷,从而导致进度发生延迟。获得绿卡(Green Card)意味着获得了在美国的永久居留权(U.S. lawful Permanent Residence),各种工作签证持有者从此不用再为签证到期或失去工作而惶恐不安。获得绿卡的途径有工作移民(Employment Based – EB),亲属移民(Family Based – FB),政治避难(Political Asylum Based)等,甚至还有一种乐透绿卡(Diversity lottery Based),专门将一定名额开放给其他国家的人以抽签的方式取得,有点类似于彩票抽奖,所以叫乐透绿卡。 在网站上阅读更多信息 绿卡排期表.

O1签证 是继H-1B签证之后,近几年越来越受欢迎的一种非移民签证。有些人觉得O-1签证申请要求太高,难度很大,实则不是,在一些方面,O-1签证比H-1B签证还要简单很多,并且一旦申请成功,会给受益人省去很多麻烦。O1签证 简介: O-1是一种非移民签证,适用于在科学、艺术、教育、商务、体育方面杰出的外国人,或者在电影电视行业能够被国家或者国际认知的及拥有卓越成就的外国人。该签证持有人可在美国从事与自己领域相关的工作。O-1签证没有名额限制,无需经过抽签程序,但是同样需要美国雇主的支持