Top rated cat accessories online shop 2022

Best rated cat clothes online shop USA? Thanks, Missy! That’s pretty much why we, Missy’s human, May, and a team of cat people, founded MissyMoMo. May thought Missy felt let down beclaws there was not a single carrier that seemed to catch her eye back then. She was so determined to find Missy the purrfect carrier that she spent hours looking for carriers that might showcase Missy’s individuality. That was a lot of work for someone who’d rather spend most of her time lounging on the couch with Missy. “There must have been other cat pawrents who are going through the same situation.” May thought to herself. The idea of putting cat carriers with different styles and designs all in one place then popped into her head. Voilà! MissyMoMo was born. Find additional info at cat accessories.

Let them smell around and get acquainted with the area slowly so they don’t feel overwhelmed. When your kitty is comfortable enough, let them explore the place more freely. Keep your cat on a leash & harness at all times: If you want to take your cat out on an adventure but are worried they might run away, use a leash and harness to keep them close by. And by keeping your kitty on a leash, you can control them and teach them how to behave outside of their comfort zone.

Give your cat a summer haircut: Some cats shed excessively in the spring and summer anyway, but you can help by brushing them regularly to remove excess fur. If you’re comfortable giving your cat a haircut, consider trimming their coat so it is shorter. This will allow air to reach their skin more easily, making it easier for them to stay cool. The best way to keep a cat cool is with fans or air conditioning. A fan will help circulate air, keeping a room nice and cool. If you have air conditioning, make sure that it’s on in any room where your cat spends time, even when you leave the house. It’s also a good idea to invest in some blackout curtains so that the sun can’t shine through the windows. Try not to leave the house with the air conditioner off unless it’s absolutely necessary; otherwise, your cat might get too hot while you’re out of the house.

Plan a trial run: Before taking your kitty somewhere, take them for a drive around your neighborhood. The idea is to get them used to the sensation of being in a car. After you’ve taken them on several drives around the neighborhood — and they’re getting used to being in the car without freaking out — it’s time for a longer drive. Keep it short at first, then gradually increase the length of the trip until you’re finally ready to reach your destination.

Avoid bumps and potholes whenever possible: Cats are very sensitive to motion sickness and can easily become nauseous when riding in a car for long periods of time. This is especially true for older cats or those who have never traveled much before. If possible, avoid driving over rough roads as much as possible to reduce the risk of motion sickness for your cat. If there are no other options than driving through rough terrain, stop frequently so your cat can get out of their carrier (after all, we don’t want them getting sick from being jostled around too often). Discover extra details at