How to choose a cell phone screen protector?

The Importantce of Blue Light Filter Glasses How to install a screen protector perfectly without bubbles and alignment tool ? Warm Tips: Before the installation,please make sure the doors and windows are closed.Try to keep the invironment clean and avoid the occurrence of dust or lint. Take out the new screen protector, wipe it with a cleaning cloth, make sure there is no dust on the outside, then grab the top of the backboard and then tear off the screen protector. Put the upper part on the phone screen, first align the upper part of the screen protectoe with the upper part of phone screen, and compact it slightly.

Visible light is much more complex than you might think. Stepping outdoors into sunlight; flipping on a wall switch indoors; turning on your computer, phone or other digital device — all of these things result in your eyes being exposed to a variety of visible (and sometimes invisible) light rays that can have a range of effects.

What are blue light blocking glasses? It is a particular type of glass fitted with filters in the lenses to absorb or block blue light and, in some instances, other detrimental lights from getting through to the user’s eyes. Therefore, the use of these glasses against screens can help reduce exposure to a wave of lights that can keep you awake, especially at night. Exposure to harmful blue light does not mean the end of life. It is presumed that blue light blocking glasses are useful in filtering the blue light, thus restore healthy life to individuals affected. Wearing blue light blocking glasses means healthy sleep, thus reducing the chances of other risks. Explore even more details on benefits of blue light glasses,how do blue light glasses work.

High energy light is crucial to everyday life. We get high energy visible light from the sun, and it helps us regulate our sleeping patterns. During the daytime, the light that comes into our eyes releases enzymes in the morning, bringing melatonin levels down and helping us wake up. A consistent cycle of rest and wake, regulated by melatonin, comprises our circadian rhythm. This cycle can easily be disrupted. Fly to another country, or stay up too late, and the rhythm can change. Shift into blue light use, and disruption can easily occur. Artificial blue light before bed reduces the amount of melatonin being released in the body. Too little melatonin, too late, can prevent sleep and lead to exhaustion.

Scheduling a yearly eye exam is one of the best things you can do for your overall health! Besides addressing the obvious (such as a change in vision), an eye exam can often lead to the diagnosis of more serious conditions including diabetes, high blood pressure, and even cancer. What’s more, an eye exam will allow the doctor to check for eye conditions that may go unnoticed by the patient. Often patients diagnosed with glaucoma only become aware of their condition after having already suffered permanent vision loss. Because there are no symptoms early on, it can easily go undetected without a routine eye exam. It is also important for young children to have routine eye exams, as their vision more strongly influences their ability to learn and comprehend the world around them.

The eye is not very good at blocking blue light. Anterior structures of the adult human eye (the cornea and lens) are very effective at blocking UV rays from reaching the light-sensitive retina at the back of the eyeball. In fact, less than one percent of UV radiation from the sun reaches the retina, even if you aren’t wearing sunglasses. (Keep in mind, though, that sunglasses that block 100 percent of UV are essential to protect these and other parts of the eye from damage that could lead to cataracts, snow blindness, a pinguecula and/or pterygium, and even cancer.) On the other hand, virtually all visible blue light passes through the cornea and lens and reaches the retina. Read additional info at