Can I run Red Dead Redemption 2 and other popular games sys requirements?

So you purchased the most hyped game but it runs like garbage on your gaming system. You just find out a basic gamer lesson, check the game system requirements before buying a game! Let’s see what are some of the cool latest games and some sys requirements for them.

Can you play it? From Software really outdid itself with Bloodborne, the spiritual successor to the ridiculously popular Dark Souls series. To put it simply, Bloodborne took the slow, methodical combat of Dark Souls and ratcheted it up several notches. The result is a faster, more fluid experience that, rather critically, retains the supreme challenge and depth that made From Software (in)famous. Couple the deeply satisfying combat with a chilling gothic setting and a story inspired by the king of gothic horror himself (Lovecraft), and you’ve also got yourself a recipe for one of the best action games ever made. Even more than four years removed from its launch, Bloodborne remains a special, unique game. It’s perhaps a tad easier to get into than Dark Souls or From Software’s latest game, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, but that’s merely a testament to the world design. It invites you in and holds on tight long after you’ve died 100 times against Father Gascoigne.

Monster video strain resource game pick of the day : Deus Ex: Mankind Divided has moments where it shines bright as the prettiest game on this list. If you overlook some wonky-looking AI characters, the inanimate framework of the game offers a level of detail that’s practically new to the industry, with every texture featuring some of the crispest art in the entire medium. Couple that with the game’s overwhelming amount of visual touches, such as atmospheric fog, volumetric smoke and even cloth physics, and Deus Ex: MD is as much of a looker as a modern AAA game can be. With that said, you’ll need some intense hardware to get Adam Jensen’s hair and coat flowing in the smoke-laden wind at ultra settings, should you want the full experience. Recommended specs: CPU: Intel Core i7-3770K, AMD FX 8350 Wraith – RAM: 16GB – Storage: 55GB – GPU: AMD Radeon RX 480, Nvidia GTX 970 – OS: 64-Bit Windows 10. Discover more details on

I like Star Wars games and usually this games are resource intensive. It may have launched itself into a scandal with an initial build that put way too much focus on microtransactions, but subsequent updates to Star Wars Battlefront II have transformed it into an easy game to love. It has the epic multiplayer battles, heaps of characters, loads of nerdy references, and an engaging story that centres on an attention-grabbing new character named Iden Versio (an Imperial-turned-Rebel played brilliantly by Janina Gavankar). The show-stealing moment in the campaign falls to Luke Skywalker, here voiced by Matthew Mercer, who takes part in an emotionally-satisfying scene that lasts long in the memory. There have been so many released, it’s difficult to remember that the LEGO games as we now know them kicked off in the Star Wars universe. Originally split across two titles, one focussing on each trilogy, LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga was the ultimate version pulling two sizeable games into one massive package. Shrinking down the epic galaxy to cutesy proportions, each key scene from the movies is charmingly brought to life in block form. It’s packed full of unlockables and perfect for on-the-couch multiplayer with a young padawan in tow. A tie-in game done right.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a videogame developed by Valve, published by Valve, released on 21 – 08 – 2012 It falls under the following genre categories : Action FPS. If you are looking to see if you can run Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on your computer, you’ve come to the right place. See what are the minimum and recommended for system requirements ( sys req ) for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Check the other system requirements for the game : Counter-Strike: Global Offensive system requirements.