Senior Tech Tutorials and more education tricks

Let’s discuss about extra teaching info, with a focus on Teacher Toolkit. Successful teachers have clear objectives: How do you know if you are driving the right way when you are traveling somewhere new? You use the road signs and a map (although nowadays it might be SIRI or a GPS). In the world of education, your objectives for your students act as road signs to your destination. Your plan is the map. Making a plan does not suggest a lack of creativity in your curriculum but rather, gives creativity a framework in which to flourish. Successful teachers have a sense of purpose: We can’t all be blessed with “epic” workdays all the time. Sometimes, life is just mundane and tedious. Teachers with a sense of purpose that are able to see the big picture can ride above the hard and boring days because their eye is on something further down the road.

Catch students being good. Use reinforcing language. Try to pay attention to students and acknowledge them (individually or as a group) for following instructions. When you do praise student actions, provide specific feedback about what is being performed – instead of saying, “great job girls”, comment, “You two are working together so nicely”. Click here to access a list of positive statements/reinforcing language. See more details at

Learning is not only for young people. If you don’t mind doing a bit of browsing there are also have many YouTube video instructors that can offer quick overviews on general computer know-how and specifics such as setting up a Facebook account or doing Skype calls. Using a computer can let you stay informed, share information, organize your schedule, do your banking, find and listen to your favorite music, watch old episodes of your favorite shows and films, the list goes on.Indeed, with all the resources and help available you may find yourself becoming a technical expert sooner than you think.

It’s important to stop a lot and take time for them to ask questions. The more engaged they are, the more they will take in and learn. Celebrate the small victories. Focus on the positives and what they are doing right and they will want to continue using it. A very good website for senior learning is Tech for Seniors tutorials.

Music learning is hot this days, many people try to learn music, for various reasons. There are a few podcasts that focuses on teaching people about music and one of them is The Music Educator by Bill Stevens. Music is best learnt by doing, not by reading and writing. Make your lessons active and add to some energy to them! Even if you are teaching music theory there are ways to include practical activities. For younger children, games such as Magic Feet Follow the Beat present important elements of music theory in a fun way. This makes new words easy to learn. If you think back to your own time as a school pupil, I’m sure some of your most memorable classes were where you were not just sitting there. You weren’t staring at the pages of a textbook or copying notes down from the board. The classes where you had to move around and do something are more likely to stick in your head.

Tip of the day for music teachers : Get to Know Your Students: Being a young teacher, students may start the year out being shy and reserved. There is no better way for music teachers to get to know their students than to ask them about their favorite songs or artists. Also, feel free to provide students with the option to choose what kind of music they would like to perform.

You can listen to the The Music Educator podcast by using the app from You can learn more about Bill Steven by checking his website at